Voice Training Courses

Aston Halo Review

absorber aston booth bridge your vocal registers halo home recording microphone recording soundproof Nov 21, 2019
Aston Halo – A Unique Portable Vocal Booth

We’re not sure if the Aston Microphones Halo looks like it is straight out of an Austin Powers flick or from a completely different planet, though what we do know is that it is a solid tool for keeping your vocals tight and professional.

Room reflections are a pain for recording and mixing engineers.

Unfortunately, not all of us have access to treated studio spaces where we can record. This means we have no option but to record at home. Many homes aren’t built for recording. With high ceilings and wood or laminate floors, it can be difficult to get that tight vocal sound that we hear in our favorite recordings. Luckily, the Aston Microphones Halo helps to challenge the notion that you can’t get a professional sound from home.

Let’s dig into this portable vocal reflection filter in our Aston Halo review to find out if it lives up to all the hype.


  • 360-Degree Filtering
  • Hemispherical Design
  • Cable-tidy Built-in Design
  • Easy-mount Hardware
  • Ridge-textured Surface

The Review

To start off, we love the fact that this reflection filter is made out of acoustic absorber covered with coarse felt. Because it is so rigid, it doesn’t collect dust or unwanted particles like many reflection filters do. It is incredibly lightweight, and from a technical standpoint, one of the best-working sound trappers on the market. Beyond providing fantastic sound isolation, this material is also made from 70% recycled PET plastic, making it environmentally friendly too!

The built-in ribs help to create diffusion in the sound, which essentially helps to control the room acoustics rather than making the room sound dead. We can’t think of another filter on the market today that has this sort of design. When it comes to mounting the filter on your microphone stand, the Aston Halo makes it quick and painless. This is a ways away from the old reflection filters that are almost as frustrating to set up as Ikea furniture. The metal hardware is stable, durable, and easily adjustable.

Check out Draven Grey using the Halo on his cover of Tesseract’s “Perfection” below!

Pros and Cons


  • Environmentally friendly build
  • Easy to set up
  • Gets rid of room reflections without deadening the space
  • Lightweight


  • Might be a bit pricey fro some

Should You Buy It?

If you have been struggling with getting professional recordings in your home studio, it might be time to invest in a pro reflection filter like the Aston Microphones Halo. It is a top-notch, one-of-a-kind reflection filter that does the job well. In a market that is diluted with antiquated design concepts for filters, this product truly stands out.

Follow this link to get the Aston Microphones Halo for yourself and check out some of Robert’s other favorite gear at his Amazon Store!

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If you currently use the Aston Microphones Halo, let us know what you think in the comments!

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