Rode NTR Active Ribbon Mic Review
Sep 04, 2019
With a combination of vintage and modern qualities, this is one of the best ribbon microphones on the market today. The Rode NTR is an active ribbon microphone that has been made to compete with some of the top ribbon microphones in the world today. The 1.8 micron ribbon element on the inside, paired with the custom made transformer, create a warm sound, as well as an extended high-frequency response that allows vocalists to get that necessary air for studio-quality vocals.
If you are a vocalist who want to add a little depth and darkness to your vocal recording, yet you want to retain that modern sound, the NTR is one of the best microphones on the market.
The Good
The NTR uses high-quality active circuitry that gives you the ability to use it with preamps so that you can use it with the small interface that you likely have at your home studio. Though we love it for vocal recordings, it is a great, all-around microphone that can be used on pretty much any instrument that you can think of. We love it on drums and guitar amps. With a gorgeous, vintage aesthetic, durable build quality, and studio-quality sound, it is an excellent choice if you are in the market for a professional ribbon microphone.
The Bad
The NTR has a figure-8 pattern, which may not make it the best microphone if you are working in a small space that doesn’t have great treatment or a nice-sounding, natural reverb. It is a pretty heft microphone as well, meaning you’ll need to have a high-quality stand to keep it up. It also does not travel very well, so if you find yourself wanting to record while on the move, we would recommend something else.
Final Verdict
The NTR is a great choice if you are looking for a studio-ready vocal microphone with a bit of a vintage tinge. Of course, you still get that high-frequency, modern sound too, with the 15 kHz frequency boost, though if you’re looking for something crystal clear without character, we would look at a condenser microphone instead. Overall, it works within any style of music with just about any kind of voice. If you want to add a solid ribbon microphone to your collection, we couldn’t recommend anything better.
Manufacturer Website: Rode
Interested in seeing some of Robert’s other favorite microphones?
Make sure to check out the video below!
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If you currently use the Rode NTR for your own vocals, let us know what you think in the comments!
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