Vocal Effects Pedals: Where To Start
Nov 29, 2019
Singing is exciting, isn’t it?
You know what would make it even more exciting?
Using vocal effects pedals!
Vocal effects pedals allow you to manipulate your voice in ways you may have never thought possible before. Whether you want to add reverb or delay to your voice or add a myriad of harmonies to create the sound of a full choir, vocal effects pedals are great tools for singers. If you are just finding out about vocal effects pedals now, you might not be sure where to start.
We’re here to help provide you with a few of our favorite vocal effects pedals so that you can take your singing to the next level! Come dive into our Vocal Effects Pedals: Where to Start guide to get all of the effects pedals info that you need.
Top 4 Favorite Vocal Effects Pedals
The TC Helicon Mic Mechanic 2 is one of our absolute favorite vocal pedals. Not only does it come with eight different delay and reverb presets that can make your voice sound larger than life, but it also comes with adaptive EQ, compression, de-essing, and gating, which can create a “preset” for your specific voice to help it sound as professional as possible before it ever makes it out of the speakers or into your recording device.
It is built like a true stompbox pedal, making it easy to use in live situations, especially for guitarists. Plus, it is completely battery operational, making it perfect for singers on the go!
The TC Helicon Harmony G-XT is perfect for you singers out there who also perform with guitar. It is most often used with guitar (though can also be used with pianos) to create harmonies for your voice depending on the chords that you are playing. Beyond adding harmonies and double, this vocal effects pedal also has built-in reverb to give your voice the space you want.
We love this device because it is a true stompbox pedal, which makes it perfect for live performances where you don’t have any free hands.
The TC Helicon Perform-V is the perfect tool for those who want to create real-time harmonies during their live performances. This device comes with RoomSense, which helps to detect the key of the song with ease. There are seven different editable effects built-in, including double, reverb, echo, and more. There is a nice-sounding preamp for dynamic mics too, as well as a one-snap connection so that you can attach it to your microphone stand. It is perfect for the live singer who wants to have control at his or her fingertips.
The TC Helicon VoiceTone E1 is a sturdy little foot pedal that is minimal in its design and incredibly easy to use. There aren’t tons of effects to sift through either, making it perfect for beginners who are just looking to experiment. Essentially, it just creates different kinds of echoes and verbs with an adjustable feedback time and a wet/dry knob. It is very intuitive overall and is built like a tank, making it perfect for touring or gigging.
Getting a Vocal Effects Pedal
Even beyond the pedals on our list, there are plenty of awesome vocal effects pedals out there. While they are by no means necessary to a live singing setup, they can certainly help to add a bit of spice to help your voice stand out in ways you never imagined.
Make sure to check out Robert Lunte’s Amazon store to see some of his favorite effects pedals that he uses!
Don’t leave without grabbing The TVS Singing Course and Book if you haven’t already and make sure to subscribe to our Facebook group to get all of the vocal information you could possibly need!
Click HERE >>> To See All The Recommended Vocal Pedals from Robert Lunte
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