Voice Training Courses
Falsetto Is NOT The Head Voice! - Vocal Training for The Head Voice bridging bridging your vocal registers head voice hitting notes strengthen your voice vocal modes vocal training Feb 21, 2018

The Secret to a Strong Head Voice ā€“ HINT: ITā€™S NOT FALSETTO!


A lot of people hit the break in their voice, the passa...

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Hitting High Notes - FOR BARITONES! baritones expand your range head voice hitting high notes strengthen your voice Jan 25, 2018

Are you a baritone who has heard all your life that you will NEVER be able to sing tenor notes? Because that is NOT TRUE.

The simple fact of the ma...

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Dampened Larynx - The Solution to Singing Stability acoustics dampen head voice larynx stability Jul 05, 2017

Because many of the desired notes for a contemporary singer are done with head voice, having stability throughout this higher range is imperative fo...

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Singing Narrowed Vowels - Head Voice Technique!! TVS easy high notes extending vocal range head voice how to sing better learn to sing narrow vowels singing technique singing tips singing vowels snile vocal exercise May 22, 2015


This is a technique that is used to help train singing through narrowed vowels and improving the articulation of your lyrics whe...

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The TVS Method is the fastest-growing voice training method in the world today. Credibility equals an endorsement by thousands of singers, voice coaches, and pro audio sponsors worldwide.

When you want real, tangible understanding and results for your vocal athletic skills, choose TVS.Ā 

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