Voice Training Courses
Why Vocal Types Aren't Everything benefits of learning music expand your range how to sing better learn how to sing learn to sing learning music music development singing tecnique strengthen your voice vocal health vocal training Sep 01, 2019

When it comes to learning how to sing “properly,” many students assume that figuring out their voice type is the only way to do so. However, here at...

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7 Ways to Repair Your Singing Voice singing technique strengthen your voice vocal health vocal training Aug 05, 2019

In today’s world of instant gratification and constant marketing, it’s hard for today’s singers to be able to stand out from the crowd and keep thei...

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Keep Your Folds Clear this Summer learn to sing music development strengthen your voice take care of voice vocal health vocal training Aug 05, 2019

When it comes to being the best of the best in the music industry, staying hydrated is one of the main things you should do. As professional voice a...

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5 Easy Vocal Health Tips for All Singers how to sing better singing technique strengthen your voice vocal health vocal training Jul 24, 2019

When it comes to being the best vocal athlete that you can possibly be, figuring out a way to maintain your top-level vocal health is of utmost impo...

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Top 3 Benefits Of Learning A Musical Instrument!! benefits of learning music confidence learning music muscle memory music development musical instruments online course vocal training Oct 14, 2018

Throughout history there are various examples of musical instruments being regarded as one of the pinnacle achievements of human aptitude towards perf...

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Singing Lessons - How to Help Your Kids to Stay Focussed! children how to stay focused kids kids singing lessons for beginners singing books singing lessons vocal training voice lessons for kids Sep 26, 2018

It is important to start teaching your kids how to sing from an early age because it helps them develop their ears, vocals, and cognitive abilities. H...

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Cry Vocal Mode IS The Singing Voice "Platform"! crying mode finding high register larynx position sob vocal compression vocal modes vocal training Jul 15, 2018

Ever wondered what is the x-factor that makes your favorite singers sound so passionate when they sing?? How when they hit those high notes it almos...

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Falsetto Is NOT The Head Voice! - Vocal Training for The Head Voice bridging bridging your vocal registers head voice hitting notes strengthen your voice vocal modes vocal training Feb 21, 2018

The Secret to a Strong Head Voice – HINT: IT’S NOT FALSETTO!


A lot of people hit the break in their voice, the passa...

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Who Trained Layne Staley, Chris Cornell & Ann Wilson? - Maestro David Kyle - Robert Lunte Legacy belt voice bridge your vocal registers expand your range maestro david kyle vocal training voice coach Feb 07, 2018

PASSING THE TORCH | Musical Mentors Worth Their Weight In Gold

Once in a while, a great teacher may come along who lifts you up. A mentor who chang...

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Can Anyone Learn to Sing? MYTH BUSTED! embouchure how to belt learn to sing vocal training Feb 01, 2018

What do Alan Rickman, Vincent Van Gogh, and Lucille Ball have in common?

They didn’t hit their artistic stride until later in life.

Alan Rickman was...

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Vocal Techniques to A Better Voice improve singing learn how to sing vocal athlete intensive vocal coaches vocal masterclasses vocal techniques to a better voice vocal training voice lessons Jan 20, 2018

If you ask the top vocal coaches in the music industry about the best vocal techniques to a better voice, the long list of tips and tricks up their sl...

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Should I Practice Singing with Amplification? amplification condenser microphones improve singing practice vocal training May 01, 2017

To amplify or not to Amplify…

First, it is important to clarify that It is perfectly ok to keep training contemporary singing without amplification...

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About TVS

The TVS Method is the fastest-growing voice training method in the world today. Credibility equals an endorsement by thousands of singers, voice coaches, and pro audio sponsors worldwide.

When you want real, tangible understanding and results for your vocal athletic skills, choose TVS. 

Would you like to launch your Online Course? Learn about Robert Lunte's CourseCREEK.



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